niedziela, 14 kwietnia 2019

Zvi Grundman - Tale of Seven Beggars

Zvi Grundman - Tale of Seven Beggars

Tale of Seven Beggars. Wonder tale by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov with 8 lithographs by Tzvi Grundman. Jerusalem, 1966. Artist's inscription and signature. Rare.
R' Nachman's wonder tale about seven beggars accompanied with 'expressive' creations of Tzvi Grundman. Each of the seven sections of the story is depicted with an illustration that is signed by the artist in the plate. An additional, colored, illustration serves as the title page (also signed).
This is one of the only 200 copies that the artist printed. The work was dedicated to author Shai Agnon and opens with the preface of author-playwright Yehuda HaEzrachi.


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